Cutting the mirror.
An aesthetic lexicon
New Delhi, April 2009.
Lucca, Villa Bottini. May 2009.
Curator, Maria Cristina Bergesio
Coordinator, Giò Carbone
The 2009’s edition of PREZIOSA could be considered an attempt to approach the complex theme of beauty in the research jewellery. Looking at the exhibition as a whole, we may look at the metamorphosis and the erosion of the classic beauty ideals from the ’60 till today.

by Maria Cristina Bergesio
The 2009’s edition of Lucca Preziosa could be considered an attempt to approach the complex theme of beauty in the research jewellery.In the commercial jewellery the main aim is to give beauty to the person that will wear jewels, this is its first function. The jewel is an object that is giving a codified beauty and that of course have to respect rules and canons. This is not happening in the word of research jewellery. The jewel is an aesthetic work for itself and is an expression of a specific artistic choice. Moreover it is an empathic work that requires an active attitude of the public, a more reflective look, an observation of its peculiarities, shapes, materials, contents, provocations. The aim of the exhibition is to give an idea of the wide range of various researches in act in the jewellery as an art form.To explore this stratified field the exhibition is thought as an itinerary built up around key-words coming from the lexicon of aesthetics.The jewels are selected as visualizations of an aesthetic concept that is giving to the public the possibility to focus on a certain aspects of the artist’s research. In this way each work represent a particular declension of the beauty’s concept.
Moreover looking at the exhibition as a whole, it could be possible to see the metamorphosis and the erosion of the classic beauty’s ideals from the ’60 till today. As the visual arts also research jewellery records the opening and the breaking of canons, introducing the shade of beauty: chaos, deformations, imperfections. Cutting the mirror is a metaphor, giving a suggestion to the public regarding the fact that today there is no more an unique concept of beauty, but complex and stratified conceptions. The exhibition, organized in a chronological order (following the birth date of the artist), will start with the works a masters that represent the classical beauty, in the sense of harmony and measure. Around the sixty’s artist looking for a new beauty, working more around the shape of the jewel, outside the rules of traditional jewellery.
Measurement and Order, Mario Pinton
Harmony and Proportion, Yasuki Hiramatsu
The exhibition will go on with pieces by artists that open the concept of beauty and witness a widespread idea of beauty that is characterizing our time. The jewel is becoming a field of intense experimentation, a condenser of various stimuli. Each jewel is reflecting a personal path, that could be more linked with a technical experimentation, a poetic content, the structure of the jewel, the use of traditional materials in a new way or a non conventional one, the freedom of imagination, the art of trash, the colour as unique medium, the pleasure of imperfection.
Minimal, Graziano Visintin
Rhythm, Robert Baines
Sehnsucht *nostalgia, Georg W. Dobler
Form, Annelies Planteijdt
Sparkling, Karl Fritsch
Structure, Svenja John
Wit, David Bielander
Kitschen, Lisa Walker
Colour, Sally Marsland
Wabi Sabi *imperfection, Sebastian Buescher

Mario Pinton

Yasuki Hiramatsu

Graziano Visintin

Robert Baines

Georg W. Dobler

Annelies Planteijdt

Karl Fritsch

Svenja John

David Bielander

Lisa Walker

Sally Marsland

Sebastian Buescher
A preview of the exhibition, with a selection of artists’ work, will be showed at inhorgenta europe 2009, Munich, in February 2009.
On 22nd of February, at 12.00, Dr. Barbara Schmidt will introduce the exhibition’s concept in all C2, Design Podium.
Lucca Preziosa 2009 will be showed in New Delhi, in the venue of the Italian Embassy, April, 2-12, 2009.
The full exhibition will be presented in Lucca, from 23rd of April to the 17th of May 2009, in the fantastic venue of Villa Bottini.
On 24th of April, the participant artists will have their individual lectures.
The participation to the meeting with artists is free, but we suggest to registered on-line, because we have limited places
23rd of April at 6.30 p.m.
Villa Bottini, Via Elisa
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Sunday, 11.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m. – Monday closed
Meeting with the artists
24th April from 11.00 a.m. in Villa Bottini
Participation is free.
Please register
+39 055 22 80 131
Second edition of LPYoung
The exhibition is devoted to young goldsmiths/designers/ worldwide. The aims is to contribute to the diffusion of what is new in the research jewellery, what the new generation of goldsmiths/designers/artists is “boiling in the pot”…. The work of 12 goldsmith/artists selected by an international panel
Fresh Metal
Contest-Exhibition created for students of the goldsmith craft, gaining their skills in private jewellery and goldsmith schools. The project was launched by the Poland school ANTIDOTUM in cooperation with LE ARTI ORAFE. The jewels created by students of both schools will be showed.
Le Arti Orafe, Jewellery School & Gallery, Firenze e Lucca
Ganjam, Bangalore
Lucca Preziosa
Association, Lucca
With the support of:
Lucca’s city Council
APT Lucca
(Province’s Tourism office)
Italian Embassy in India
Italian Institute of Culture, Delhi
inhorgenta europe, Munich, Germany
And with the patronage of
Italian Cultural Ministry
Lucca’s Province
Superintendence of Florence Museum system
Silver Museum in Palazzo Pitti, Florence
University of Florence
Superintendence BAPPSAE of Lucca and Carrara
Maria Cristina Bergesio
General Coordination
Giò Carbone
Gio Carbone
Ganjam Umesh
Shreedevi Deshpande
Puri, Ganjam
Public Relations Italy
Anna Balatti, Le Arti Orafe
Fulvio Carbone, Studio Ipotesi
Operations, India
Aditi Chaudhuri, Ganjam
Mauro Vegliante, Ark Design, Firenze
Mostre & Mostre, Lucca
Smita Srivastava, Ganjam