David Bielander

David Bielander

Basel, Switzerland, 196

1989 – 93
Goldsmithing apprenticeship in Basel
1993 – 95
Goldsmith for Georg Spreng, jewellery maker and industrial designer in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
1995 – 2001
Studies at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich with Prof. Otto Künzli
Since 2002
Workshop established in Munich together with Helen Britton and Yutaca Minegishi
2006 – 2010
Artistic assistant of Prof. Daniel Kruger, Burg Giebichenstein, University of Art and Design Halle, Germany
2011 – 2012
External consultant, jewellery departement, Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam

‚rare species’, ornamemtum gallery, Hudson, NY “Make it big, make it red, make it shiny’, Galerie Rob Koudijs, Amsterdam‚to do is to be (Socrates) – to be is to do (Platon) – do be do be do (Sinatra)’, Galerie SO, Solothurn, CH
“Ripsnorter’, gallery Funaki, Melbourne‚building a steak of creativity’, with Michelle Taylor (Photography), Midland Ateliers, Perth, WA‚A Theatre of Appearances – die Bühne des Augen-scheins’, with Michelle Taylor (Photography), Galerie Biró, Munich‚gente di mare’, with Michelle Taylor (Photography),at Maurer Zilioli Contemp. Arts, Brescia, Italy
Wisdom teeth, galerie Rob Koudijs, Amsterdam
The fruits of my labour, Galerie Louise Smit, Amster-dam
Galerie Sofie Lachaert, Tielrode, Belgium
Das erste Mal, Galerie Beatrice Lang, Bern, Switzer-land
Stolz und Vorurteil, Galerie Biró, Munich Allzeit bereit!, Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam
Galerie Sofie Lachaert, Tielrode, Belgien
Pig-headed, Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam
“Silk purse from a sow’s ear, us Schyssdrägg Angge mache”, with Helen Britton, Galerie Birò, München; Jewellers’werk Galerie, Washington DC.

Collection of the Federal Departement of Culture Switzerland, mudac, Musée de design et d’arts ap-pliques contemporains, Lausanne. Fond national des arts contemporain (fnac), Paris Die Neue Sammlung, Staatliches Museum für ange-wandte Kunst, Pinakothek der Moderne, München CODA Museum Apeldoorn, Niederlande Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (mima), UK Schmuckmuseum im Reuchlinhaus, Pforzheim, D National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), Melbourne, AU Françoise van den Bosch Collection, Amsterdam, NL Collection de la ville de Cagnes-sur-Mer, FR Metropolitan Museum, NY

2012 Swiss Federal Design Award, Switzerland
2012 Francoise-van-den-Bosch Award, Amsterdam
2010 Herbert-Hofmann-Preis. Schmuck 2010. Mu nich
2010 artist in residency at the Midland Ateliers, FORM, with Helen Britton, Perth, Western Australia
2009 Förderpreis for applied art by the City of Mu-nich
1995-2001 Scholarship E.E. Zunft zu Hausgenos-sen, Basel, CH

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